Mining Science’s Potential in Ukraine

December 5, 2013, the Central Mining Institute hosted Professor Gennadiy Gayko – reviewer of papers published in the Journal of Sustainable Mining from The National Technical University of Ukraine in Kiev and Professor Iurii Khalymendyk representing The National Mining University, Ukraine. The subject of the meeting was the cooperation of authors from both universities with the Journal of Sustainable Mining. ‘Ukraine figures amongst the top-ten coal-mining countries of the world’ (source: EURACOAL). The Ukrainian mining industry is supported by a number of technical universities, research institutes and laboratories.


We believe that Ukrainian experience in the exploitation of thin seams and underground coal gasification can greatly enrich the content of the Journal of Sustainable Mining.


Author: Magdalena Bemke-Świtilnik. Photos taken by Sylwia Jarosławska-Sobór.

From the left sight: Prof. Iurii Khalymendyk, Prof. Gennadiy Gayko, Magdalena Bemke-Świtilnik
From the left sight: Prof. Iurii Khalymendyk, Prof. Gennadiy Gayko, Małgorzata Kuśmirek-Zegadło, Magdalena Bemke-Świtilnik, Prof. Adam Lipowczan